A governance structure at Alutech Packaging Private Limited is responsible for implementing and administering CSR Policy, in compliance with the requirements of Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 and rules made thereunder. The Board of Directors of both the Companies who are ultimately accountable for the CSR projects undertaken by Alutech.

Alutech Packaging Private Limited has constituted a CSR Committee at the Board level. The CSR Committee is supported by the CSR Team, comprised of representatives from both these companies.

ย 8.1 – CSR Committee

Alutech Packaging Private Limited has constituted Corporate Social Responsibility Committee (the โ€œCSR Committeeโ€) in line with Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 (the โ€œActโ€). The CSR Committee consists of following members of the Board :

  • Mr. Anil Kumar Mittal
  • Mr. Rakesh Goel
  • Mr. Hakumat Rai Mittal

The CSR Committee of the Board shall be responsible for :

  • Review of CSR activities in the Company.
  • Formulation of CSR Policy.
  • Monitoring of implementation of CSR Policy.
  • Recommend to the Board, modifications to CSR Policy as and when required.
  • Appraise to the Board the CSR expenditure done during the year.

8.2 – CSR Team

Dedicated CSR team shall be constituted from among the employees at Alutech Packaging Private Limited, for implementing the CSR Policy and shall work under the guidance of CSR Committee and will be mainly responsible for :

  • Execution of the CSR Policy.
  • Identify projects and key initiatives pursuant to CSR Policy.
  • Facilitating allocation of funds to the projects as identified for CSR activities.
  • Monitoring CSR Projects to establish effectiveness of CSR efforts and appraise the same to CSR Committee.
  • Compilation of information & preparation of Annual Reports on CSR activities and presenting the same to CSR Committee.
  • Any other activity necessary to ensure achievement of CSR objectives.

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